Manchester gold
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All around the earth, the water from the Rivers and seas the world percolates down through the earth's crust. And till he hits the core mantle! Where the underground heat generated by the radioactive processes, causes the water to boil into steam
As the water tries to stay still and the their spins beneath it, the turbulence within the water does molecular nuclear fusion - generating get more heat.
1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray
This is why the deep earth is such a potent source of helium and oxygen gases. And possible is have recorded the emission of X rays from the deep. Not just from the radioactive decay, but the nuclear fusion induced as the water flows around the earth!
Really the water stay still, and the earth spins beneath it! Either way they get the creation of massive heat, plus X ray radiation and production of helium gas - of which there is no chemical source!
My old metallurgy professor is delighted in telling me, that even gold was soluble in high pressure and temperature water - so the geothermal rover 34 metres down, Carries a limit concentration of gold metal.
And the frequent steam pockets around the earth's mantle. Are filled with gold containing water.
When the water boils the amount of molecular nuclear fusion are doing also falls, and or seeing condenses. So the geothermal rover is just below the boiling point for high pressure water! 180° C 8 atmospheres pressure.
And I was last at Sheffield University 2000, researching carbon free energy generation. And here was the cancer!
We drill down in a company car park, to the geothermal river: we have located a mantle pockets using ground sonar. The magma pockets gives off X rays, and shows up on sonar scans - as he reflects a sound waves.
So we drill down 34 metres, and get a an inexhaustible source of hot, goal containing pressurised water!
We pass it through a double helix - a Dyson dry cleaner. And we get out there heavy metals. Copper, silver, platinum, iron but 40% gold! Their register cold ore source on earth has only 1% gold metal in it!
So crossed the wastelands of China, or in the public areas of land around Manchester in England, we can easily do ground sonar and locate where to drill.
We clean up the steam. Selling on the gold metal! Which you get about five tonnes a year from a 80 kW geothermal water source.
As a Dyson dry cleaner, we pass through a steam turbine and generate 40 kW of carbon neutral power. We convert into a high voltage AC current, and transported to the nearest towns cities. Where we convert down into mains voltage and phase.
So we generating totally carbon neutral electricity - 120,000 pounds worth of carbon neutral electricity per bore hole every year. Why burn fossil fuels? They are so damned expensive.
And here is a waste heat from the earth's interior, he but he could use. But we get at 50 tonnes of gold a year. 235 billion a year! At today's overinflated value.
We are about to see the biggest crashing gold prices ever. Just as China and Russia have invested or money in gold. Gold is the fifth most abundant element on earth!
And we King get at it via 34 metre bore hole on land, or in the seas! Where we need to drill down a small a distance. And there heated water with gold dissolved in it, will stream up.
Providing an inexhaustible supply of carbon neutral electricity. Replacing or fossil fuel burning! Free non nuclear carbon neutral power. And it is not even that hard to get at! Week in use the exit steam to provide free space heating.
Chat moss in Manchester, in ideal place to do ground sonar and sink bore holes: as it is public land owned by every word he in the UK. Professor Argent was from Sheffield University. And ran Sheffield there are many more mass of brown land areas, we can freely drill down from. To give Sheffield free carbon neutral electricity.
In Europe the large amounts of suitable public land, we can drill down from! To get at free electricity and gold metal. Really gold is just so common! Issue really not have any value at all.
As it is soft and unreactive! Pretty much useless. How many cure contacts do you need? And man can get at an infinite source of gold metal within two weeks.
It is almost embarrassingly easy! Gold does not have any imate value and as I said above, it is the fifth most abundant element on earth.
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