So much free gold

More Gold than you can imagine

Gold is actually the fifth most abundant element on earth.  But most of it is in the earth's core.  A spinning mass of heavy metals!  Including gold, platinum, copper and iron.

That it dissolve out into the river of the deep geothermal water the tries to stay still, as the air earth moves clockwise.  So severe so blo in the anti clockwise direction.  We have a limit solution of gold metal which share from the earth's mantle.

When the water finds its way out to the surface on its own, it is a source of all Rivers on earth.  Which is why gold dust can be planned can be paned out of river sources.  But must the gold will have precipitated out there 34 metres or lower into the deep earth.

But the richest gold sources are only 1% gold metal!  The rest being rock.  A far better idea is to find in the area of open and common land.  Particlay at low level.  We use ground sonar to trace a deep river flow and the key at a magma pockets 34 metres down.

We drill down to get an endless source of super heated steam, with heavy metals minute.  We use a recognized Dyson dry cleaner, to scrub the heavy metals out - getting so much gold and copper.

Which explains the recent drop in the price of gold and copper.  No doubt I am prices will fall soon too.  The pass through a suitably sized steam turbine, and generate around 40 kW of carbon zero AC electricity.  Rectified into three phase mains AC current.  At the national voltage and at the correct AC phase.

Own weather for 10 tonnes of next gold, copper and iron a week.  We cell on to the metals companies, according to that four holes, position distribution.  Will get the same percentage cold copper and iron constantly.  And member there is no limit to the amount of gold in the earth's core.

We ask eight the need for metal detecting of deep mining.  It is it a 5 minute from my geothermal electricity generation.  Which will pay us 120,000 UK pounds every year.  For ever!

The gold price was $600 million a tonne.  Am I going to get at least two tons a month .  3000 tonnes a year.  Which alone is 1.8 billion.  Every year for ever.  We can pay of the UK it national debt in under six months.

And the gold, from the deep earth.  So it is not mined.  So the money does not get to the prince of Wales.  Who has his own 1000 of eight years of ground, he can site 10 gold mines per acre.

Which will make the UK monarchy far richer than the Saudi Arabia royal family.  I would trust a King Charles, to use this money wisely for the good of the people.

In actual fact he can do what the hell he wants!  But if he is seen not to spend the money responsibly for the people, you're heading into revolution!  Remember the UK he had a Republic and the Oliver Cromwell, before France and Germany over threw their royal families.

BIT it was only restart and as it King Charles two.  As the Republic made such a hash of it.  The California has thousands of square miles of unused scrubland.  They can easily locate the underground rivers, and erect the air and gold extraction processes.

Gold is such a common, mostly useless metal.  Only reacting with high pressure for ring in the laboratory.  Where for emission and helium will react.  To form the white solid HeF.  Which is dangerously unstable.  Copy this to your friends - no limit to the free gold.

  • Gold(V) fluoride
    The chemical formula for gold(V) fluoride is AuF5, and it has a molar mass of 291.96 g/mol. It is a red solid that dissolves in hydrogen fluoride, but the solution decomposes and releases fluorine. 


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