Get gold for free
Gold for free |
Professor Argent told me that gold is present in geothermal water, 34 metres down. Gold is soluble in high pressure and temperature water. So the river of water circles the earth, have a limit concentration of gold dust in.
Gold is the fifth most abundant element on earth, but over the aeons is has concentrated in the earth's core.
Their latest figure for all the gold in the world is 171,300 tonnes - which is almost exactly the same as the amount in our super-villain's imaginary cube. A cube made of 171,300 tonnes would be about 20.7m (68ft) on each side.1 Apr 2013
But the gold in the earth's core, must weigh 2,000,000 tonnes! We only know about it, as the geothermal rover that's the earth's mantle. And diesels the gold away!
We only know about gold, because only geothermal water finds a low pressure way to the surface, if once a source of every river on earth. But mostly gold is precipitated behind. As a gold ore deposits.
Some the gold makes it to the surface. So Australia or they are using metal detectors, to find the facts of gold left behind, on old river courses. This is why panning for gold at river sources works so well.
But still today there is at geothermal river! Only 34 metres down. If we use ground sonar, on the public ground at Saddleworth's moor Manchester, we can locate a magma pockets.
Saddleworth Moor - Visit Manchester › things-to-see-and-do
Saddleworth is traditionally typified as the view of wide open expanse of hill and moorland, in contrast to its past, Saddleworth's environment is now one ...
We can use any public land in the world. Chat moss also in Manchester England, would also work. We triangulate the goals sonar using 3 spaced microphones, and we can locate the underground river.
Where we find an underground chamber filled with super heated water we can drill down for an endless source of hot water.
Because of the pressure the water is prayers and as liquid. So at 36 metres down, we are looking at a water temperature of 120° C. This is below the depth for gold!
So we pass through a recognized Dyson dry cleaner, having given the water a slight vent. So he can remove their heavy metals from the water.
We cell on to a metals companies, but 40% other mental will be gold. As the other metals have reacted with minerals and rocks in the deep. So were left of water or inept gold metal.
So each geothermal mine will freeze the 50 tonnes of gold a year. Value at today's overinflated gold prices, 150 million. That is 50 per more the most extravagant spender can spend in a lifetime. Every year! Good luck on spending it.
We then pass the clean steam through a small steam turbine. 300 UK pounds will buy as a 1.2 MW power plant. The electricity is worth 3 billion a year.
If we only generate 40 kW we are still looking as an income of £120,000 a year. Basically for a byproduct from gold mining!
We are going to have 2000 plant's in the next year. That would generate a 1,000,000,000 UK pounds of profit.
That 100,000 tonnes of gold. The world only requires 2000 tonnes of gold a year! It is endlessly reprocessed. So the gold price will crash. Even energy prices will fall by ¾! But was still when you get 40,000 UK pounds a year for our power.
Following the most severe coal price crash in history, will still kill 80,000 UK pounds of money for gold. Which has electrical, and corrosion uses.
We are also going to get so much platinum! Which has a high level of demand. But the platinum price walls so crashing and 90%. Pretty, but not that uncommon.
The Australian swanning around with metal detectors, caring get their ground sonar crew in which the 2000 Australian dollars, will locate our deep underground magma chambers. Another $4000, and we get access to gold bearing super heated water.
An initial annual profit for the gold will be Australian $100,000,000 initially. There the free electricity, for power area air conditioning. Two all out gold prospecting all year.
For really we already have so much gold it is obscene! And they are also are generating carbon neutral electricity. They could transfer using high voltage, where we had rolled the ball hole near a major conurbation. Like Chap Moss.
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