Free Welsh gold

free Gold for the world

Wearing around the earth is a river of geothermal water, regulating down from the seas and Rivers of the earth.  He hits the earth's magma!  And is heated to around boiling.

If it boils, it ceases to do molecular nuclear fusion.  Otherwise the heat of the earth's interior is the barred from the molecular nuclear fusion in that water.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray

So the turbulence in the water as it boils off on the earth's magma, does nuclear fusion.  So or whole river geothermal water is heated to just below the boiling point.

As professor argent reminded me 2001, hot higher pressure water dissolves gold metal!  So the water flows around the earth carry a limit concentration of gold dust.

When the water makes its own way out to the surface, the pressure drops and we get a gold ore deposits.  Some the gold is carried to the surface.  Which is why panning for gold at river sources produces so much gold!

But the simplest way to get at gold is to drill down to the geothermal water.  Only 34 metres below the earth's surface!  Water still contains a limit concentration of gold at that depth.

If flows all around the earth!  Eight hilly region is ideal.  My thanks here to my world girlfriend in 1982, Silvia Roberts.  He played no part in this idea, but she lived in Wales.

We use ground sonar on the valley bottom.  I want to locate a magma chamber 34 metres below the top of the mountains.  There are was pressed down on the water, sea will be closer to the valley bottom.

We use clever Drilling Technology.  Medically us to revolve drilling bit!  And we enter the magma chamber from below and get up a constant stream of super heated water in.  Which contain copper, platinum but also lead and arsenic.

So we pass the geothermal water through a small vent, and their recognized Dyson dry cleaner.  Which will trap all the metal dust.  We cell on to a metal company is to freeze into pure metal ingots.

40% gold!  The richest gold ore mankind mines, the just 1% gold metal.  We are looking at an annual income of 150 million UK pounds.  For five tonnes of 24 carat gold.

And then we have pure super heated steam.  Which he obviously use to drive a steam turbine and generate mains electricity.

We convert a high voltage AC and transported to the nearest large settlement.  Where we convert the 10,000 volts down to 250 Watts.  High he was hich electricity is far cheaper to transport!  We have minimal current masses.

The world knees 2000 tonnes of gold a year: as gold is endlessly reprocessed.  I am I going to have 20,000 geothermal gold mines within a year.  Which will produce 10000 tonnes of gold.

Really not going to do earning for the gold price!  But we get carbon neutral mains electricity.  Almost as the process byproduct!  And illiteracy has an inflated market price.

You can use this idea all around Scotland, and along the pennines - the spine of England.

You can also doing it in the brown land areas along the coasts.  They will obviously have drill down 34 metres!  But the geothermal rover will track land rivers there were slight anti clockwise shifted.

And coastal land is not very much use for industry.  Only the occasional inland port.  Were the ports can also says that their own  geothermal gold mines.  And make so much money!

Professor argent was at Sheffield University - which lies adjacent to the peak district!  We can also set up geothermal gold mines.  They also have assay offices.  How convenient is that!


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