
Showing posts from February, 2022

Free Welsh gold

free Gold for the world Wearing around the earth is a river of geothermal water, regulating down from the seas and Rivers of the earth.  He hits the earth's magma!  And is heated to around boiling. If it boils, it ceases to do molecular nuclear fusion.  Otherwise the heat of the earth's interior is the barred from the molecular nuclear fusion in that water. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray So the turbulence in the water as it boils off on the earth's magma, does nuclear fusion.  So or whole river geothermal water is heated to just below the boiling point. As professor argent reminded me 2001, hot higher pressure water dissolves gold metal!  So the water flows around the earth carry a limit concentration of gold dust. When the water makes its own way out to the surface, the pressure drops and we get a gold ore deposits.  Some the gold is carried to the surface.  Which is why panning for gold at river sources produces so much gold! But the simplest...

Get gold for free

Gold for free Professor Argent told me that gold is present in geothermal water, 34 metres down.  Gold is soluble in high pressure and temperature water.  So the river of water circles the earth, have a limit concentration of gold dust in. Gold is the fifth most abundant element on earth, but over the aeons is has concentrated in the earth's core. Their latest figure for all the gold in the world is 171,300 tonnes - which is almost exactly the same as the amount in our super-villain's imaginary cube. A cube made of 171,300 tonnes would be about 20.7m (68ft) on each side.1 Apr 2013 But the gold in the earth's core, must weigh 2,000,000 tonnes!  We only know about it, as the geothermal rover that's the earth's mantle.  And diesels the gold away! We only know about gold, because only geothermal water finds a low pressure way to the surface, if once a source of every river on earth.  But mostly gold is precipitated behind.  As a gold ore deposits. Som...

Free gold, heat and helium

endless free He gas and heat This was the idea professor Z, who noted that helical turbulence increase the heat we could remove from steam.  He was talking to me about nuclear fusion!  But was so embarrassed he was so simple. We pass hydrogen gas around a tight helical spiral.  When it emerges at the top, it is mad hot!  And some of the hydrogen ions the ended up as helium.  As the helical turbulence is doing nuclear fusion. 1 2H+TU→He+E² This is so interesting.  It is an endless source of helium gas, for which there is a massive demand.  It's cost weight for weight, is greater than that for the for the useless and unreactive gold. We use a hot steam to run a steam cycle.  And use loads and loads of carbon neutral electricity. I estimate that a decent sized engineering plant, will produce a carbon neutral power for 2000 houses. After the steam cycle we use semi permeable membranes to separate out the hydrogen in helium gases. Review ...

Unlimited free gold

get your free gold now We need a patch of common ground.  We doused to determine the paths of underground Rivers.  We actually need the underground river to be more than 34 metres deep. We then refine and power for the underground river, using ground sonar.  Geography will already have published loads of maps of this data on the Internet. Then we have to invest 2000 UK pounds, in drilling 2 CM wide ball down to a magma chamber.  To cause deep water flows around the earth, the gold dust in. It tries to stay still, as the earth rotates.  So only appears to flow!  No water lapping on the earth's magma layer, dissolves gold! Gold is the fifth most abundant element on earth.  But the vast majority contained deep within the earth's core.  And we only know about it, he was a river of geothermal water running on the magma layer, leaches it out. Where this water finds its way ou...

Manchester Nazi gold

canal GOLD When Queen Victoria opened the Manchester Ship Canal on 21 May 1894 it was the largest river navigation canal in the world, and a feat of Victorian engineering, which allowed vessels to transport goods from the Irish Sea through Cheshire and into Manchester- for the first time.27 Oct 2020 In 1944, the Nazis were losing the war.  And they secreted gold ingots around the world, with German sympathisers.  By now that gold has been stalled on to the free market.  Except in a few cases! German Bill, they it in Salford - along the Manchester ship canal, and the Germans realise they consent miniature submarines are the ship canal!  And send one to German Bill, losing 80 tonnes of looted German gold. But as I any would have it, a second world war air raid over Manchester docks sank their own submarine.  All the survivors made it safely to land.  And surv doubt the rest the war in int...