Gold beneath your feet

You walk on Gold!

I am indebted to the late Professor Bernard Argent, who told me he six years ago that the river of geothermal water circulating this planet, on the earth's mantle.  Carries a limit concentration of gold metal/

Gold is soluble in high pressure and temperature water: and the water circulates the earth on the earth's mantle, is pressurised and just nearly boiling!  If it boils, the heating effect stops.

The heat arises from more molecular nuclear fusion, that it does so the turbulent stream or geothermal water.  As the earth's heated mantle circulates below it.  The heat is created by the interactive processes in the earth's core.  And the boiling of a liquid water also releases heat and X rays!

It is all down to the turbulent four and with all the water!

1 H₂O+P+TU+T→He+O+E² so the turbulence allows some the circulation water, to boil off into heat helium and oxygen gases, plus massive energy.  So we end up the water just super critical!  If it boils, the turbulence decreases, I was doing condenses back into water.

So mantle pockets around the earth's interior, we have super heated water, by little steam!  As 180° C 8 atmospheres pressure.  Bernard or got very excited about this!  As is dissolves gold metal.

The water circulates carrying a limit concentration of gold.  When he finds that it out to the surface, it forms a warm spring that is a source of every river on earth.  And the gold precipitate out as the water pressure drops.

So mankind it detects the gold, then drill down through the rock, to extract the gold ore.  All of esent gold metal is are rich metal deposit.

For easy it is to use ground sonar.  To make eight the mantle pockets 34 metres down: I estimated 10 metres, with the proviso creatively 34 metres!  This is not a great depth.

Have located the mantle pockets.  Using ground sonar, we invest 2000 UK pounds in training 82 CM wide bore hole.

We then pass the water wheel encrusted heavy metals, through a Dyson dry cleaner.  So we get a clean water at 1.8 atmospheres.  180° C.  We use to generate electricity!

We get out 40 kW of carbon neutral heat and so 20 kW of power.  This provides an annual income of 60,000,000 UK pounds.  But the gold we extract, is also worth 60 million.

So company is can do this in a company parking area.  They use the ground sonar with a three spaced microphones to locate the mantle pockets.  There a drilling companies out there there that will do this and no problem!  May be different payment until your money starts coming in.

Every house needs 8 kW of electrical power and the national grid will pay 3000 UK pounds per kilowatt year.  We are going to make so much money and!  36,000,000 UK pounds a year.

For producing carbon neutral heat and electricity.  We use the steam after the turbine, to provide free space heating.  Annie get a to all that lovely electrical power!

This was my PH D area 2000, but I now a retained author with my publisher.  I have just written a storyabout a time travelling Witch.  My next book will obviously be about gold mining!  Or doing time travel!  You can send anti matter how been back through time.  But no multi cellular animals!

So it is an academic curiosity!

The Waterfall

The Waterfall

ByDr. Jon Thomason

Published Mar 24, 2021


GBP 16.68


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