Chapter from 'Time Witch'

 Ghost gold        on in 5 weeks

Ely he had just settled down with Mike, to watch their latest soap opera.  When the time Guardians walked in.  It would have been unnerving.  And the a lot more scary than that!

They just appeared, black robes and spelling of water ever more classic substance they will favouring that century.

'yes sir' quite the witch. 'some fun today.  We want you to go back an ensure printing or happens'the fun Guardian, death Guardian 252,000 told her.  Causing ever a scrap of printed paper.

Later developments in printing technology include the movable type invented by Bi Sheng around 1040 AD and the printing press invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century.

'we health centre back a witch tp meat Bi Sheng.  We want you to spend a month with Gutenberg so this is not fun, it is work with steins of lager.  The Guardian wages hand over the time portable he had extracted from her bag, and stuck to the wall.

Mike nuc the only heated any body even touching the portal.  Which he was totally OK about the Guardian even setting her despatch date. 'enjoy the sausages'said the fun Guardian, as he vanished!

They retired to the dressing room and put on the pile of clothing.  Which looked slightly unwashed, and infested with lice.  It wasn't, it just looked creepy!  And tended to move around on its own, looking for files of discarded food.

This elegant in the dispatch area. 'work!' Ely be cleared her as she led him by the hand through the portal.

They stepped out onto the other side, to a stage! 'not as bad as Tudor England' only exclaimed. 'I will show you later!' She promised.

They set their translators to medieval German. 'stell dein Ohrstück auf Deutsch' he instructed him and, suddenly he could understand German.  Though obviously he could say nothing!

They had landed on the street of the madcap inventor.  'Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg' Ely ased there was nobel - who was giving his manservant a good, or even bad thrashing. 'private houses down my lady' the rich German business on the stock air leave for a lady - a frequently accident.

They pushed the door open, and called out 'Hello, Avon lady'.  Read is trying to see if there's any body at home.  The manservant ran in. 'sorry, I was just giving the talk his flee treatment' he almost explained.  Fastening up his breeches.

The dog transpired to a 1/2 naked 20 year old girl.  Mike made inert to get some of the treatment for vacc home.

'the master of the house.  And a pot of coffee' she commanded him and was shown into the third 1st day room.

The coffee and and Johannes appeared directly. 'now at your working on printing' only enquired. 'yes, the Chinese inventor Bi Sheng devise the idea of stacking up blocks of standard letters' Jo explained.

'but he was Chinese - they have so many letters' legal processes.  Jo nodded. 'that was why the idea never took off. 'Tony voted' protested like along the secure voice line, only only and other passing witches could hear.

'but latin had a small number of letters' lly enquired.

The Classical Latin alphabet consisted of 23 letters, 21 of which were derived from the Etruscan alphabet. In medieval times the letter I was differentiated into I and J and V into U, V, and W, producing an alphabet equivalent to that of modern English with 26 letters.

'precisely!  Now or you could have breaks are standard would carved letters' Jo told her. 'but wood is laborious to shape.  And wears out!

Mike sore the Guardian lurking.  Ready to do the time wipe, if only told him too much.  Only also saw him and gulped.

'well I do not use relief casting, to turn out multiple copies of four letters' in print.' She helpfully explained.  Jo took a slug of his coffee.  Or what the manservant had assured him was coffee.

'interesting!  With grooves to helpless locate the letters' in a printing 'rack'' he invented the idea.  With space for the acute, grave and other acents' Joe thought out loud.

'good, the me I need to work on the details' jury told them dismissively.  Just been given the greatest idea in modern history.  The Guardian smiled and gave a thumbs up, as he banished to deal with more important matters.

'You with like sausages'' he asked Mike.  Mike nodded.  After all he does not!  'Elf give them the bread idea.  There is a about to be the most serious outbreak of the planet since the middle ages'.  'which one' asked the girl.  The Guardian shrugged and vanished.

This idea will clear all plaques.  In the 21st century a one a blast of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, from an ultrasound massage device.  Will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

½ minute each side the chest!  This will even clear Covid flu and the common cold.  But in those three medical days, eating a slice of would cure all infections.

As supremacy of may and board did its work!  He threw up, but then your body was already fighting the infection.  This will not work for serious infections like cancer.

1 minute of the high intensity ultrasound above, will cure even all 200 types of human cancer.  As medically published 2002!  I am writing this 2021, I have checked my calendar.  As all this time travel tends to scew your mind.

So only got all the residents of the beverage to each the sice of mouldy bread: 'it will wake the human immune system to clear all infections' - she had commenced the village headman.

My history teacher told me this in 1976.  But what did he know!  He was only the runner up in that year's Megabrain on TV.

Olaf got better from his money infection.  They chose the first modern case of the black plague in over 500 years: which had mysteriously re-emerged from a remote Chinese Province.

The 21st century really needs to know about ultrasound clearing all infections.  As it clears Covid21 - Covid19 was the human flu from 2019 and the vaccination is obsolete only halfway through drug testing.

So the present Covid face to will have no medically affect.  Deliberately medically murdering one in 200 people given the obsolete an unlicensed vaccination: to totally contrary to the Hippocratic oath!

Only took Mike to see the ghost gold hole. 'A university metallurgist told us this' she informed the fascinated boy. 'you drill down just 34 metres, using ground sonar to locate an underground mantle pockets, and as you get up the super heated water, and vent some of the pressure, this cure steam myse behind heavy metals.

'heavy metals?' Enquired Mike. 'yes remarkably enough gold, silver, platinum but also lead and arsenic.  So we use an oil tank, to separate out the metals.  The lead and arsenic we bury again indeed unused mine and workings.'

'so that pays for the time portals?' Mike not unreasonably asked. 'time travel does not come cheap!' Payout of the time witch.

'you are not so much a witch, as a temporal nurse' Mike noted. 'who metals which time in a minor way, as all out by the time Guardians'.

'but giving the Germans the idea penicillin, that he is a bit naughty' Mike objectives.  'apparently the idea is never passed on' Ely taught him.  Or the Guardians' have arranged a time wipe later. 'now the year of eliminated the outbreak of plague' Mike continued burn.  Ely smiled.  And fall down the time portal.

Once inside they stopped for a cup of T as as a time device hurtles through the centuries.  After all time travel is not instant!  Not unless you are a Time Guardian.

The Waterfall

The Waterfall

ByDr. Jon Thomason

Published Mar 24, 2021


GBP 16.68


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