Easy free gold
Gold metal is the fifth most abundant element on earth. But all over the arms it is concentrated in the earth's core. Which is a spinning sphere of molten metals.
But running on top of this is a river of geothermal water - percolated down from Rivers and seas all around the earth. He hits the Magnolia on the earth's core, and some of it boils. Producing heat as it does molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+TU→He+O+E² so the earth's interior is heated by nuclear fusion along the magma layer. Some other water boils off. And the men to the turbulence (TU) falls away, and till the water condenses again.
So the water circles the earth, trying to stay still, as the earth rotates clockwise. So the water appears to move anticlockwise! As it laps on the earth's mantle, it dissolves the heavy metals including gold from the mantle.
Gold metal is soluble in nearly boiling water, by 34 metres below the earth's surface! So the geothermal
rover contains a limit concentration of gold and platinum.
We ask us to the surface, the gold precipitate out as the pressure drops. Falling or the all deposits mankind has been mining throughout history.
But still the geothermal water circles the earth! We have a limit concentration of gold metal with dissolved in it.
Drilling down and even a km, for geological reasons is not uncommon. 34 metres is not a great depth. But drilling down blindly is a waste of man and resources!
We use high explosive charges meant to three faced microphones buried in the ground, to do ground sonar and locate a magma pockets.
These are deep earth pockets filled with a little steam and a load of super heated goal containing water. This is the answer to the earth's energy problems.
We drill down, using the ground sonar results, and enter the magma chamber from below. Using a steam bubble rig. Or we drill straight down and force down A metal cylinder with holes at the base.
So we push the metal cylinder down, we get access to most super heated water. We get up a constant stream of super heated water 180° C. 34 atmospheres. We pass through a recognized Dyson dry cleaner, and scrub out the metal dust.
40% will be gold! We cell on to a metals company is to turn into metal ingots. They reach his goal source on earth is 1% gold! We are far exceed that!
We also get platinum, solar, Iron and copper. But also iving arsenic and lead. HIUS the metal company will separate the metals into distinct ingots. Gold is easy, and sulphuric acid will remove the other metals for us.
But each geothermal mine will produce 5 tonnes of gold a year.
How much is 1 ton of gold worth? | BullionByPosthttps://www.bullionbypost.co.uk › index › how-much-i...
It is difficult to give an exact value for a ton of pure gold, but a current, and very approximate, figure would be £41,517,000. An exact price
So we get at 200,000,000 UK pounds a year. Expect the gold price to crash. The world only requires 2000 tonnes of fresh gold a year. It is endlessly reprocessed.
Once we have removed their heavy metals, we drive a steam turbine and get at 40 million pounds of free mains electricity a year. This changes stuff in a big way.
The electricity is carbon neutral. Their heat to generate the free power is shown by the molecular nuclear fusion going on costly a long the earth's mantle.
Heat which drives all volcanic eruptions and volcanoes today. So make a safer world, the free electricity and gold!
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