Manchester gold,gold everywhere All around the earth, the water from the Rivers and seas the world percolates down through the earth's crust. And till he hits the core mantle! Where the underground heat generated by the radioactive processes, causes the water to boil into steam As the water tries to stay still and the their spins beneath it, the turbulence within the water does molecular nuclear fusion - generating get more heat. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray This is why the deep earth is such a potent source of helium and oxygen gases. And possible is have recorded the emission of X rays from the deep. Not just from the radioactive decay, but the nuclear fusion induced as the water flows around the earth! Really the water stay still, and the earth spins beneath it! Either way they get the creation of massive heat, plus X ray radiation and production of helium gas - of which there is no chemical source! My old metallurgy professor is delighted in telling m...