Free moorland gold

Get you free gold Hear my old professor of metallurgy, was trying to tell me back to resume my PH D studies, this time into gold! He told me that even gold metal was soluble in high pressure and temperature water. The water carries a limit concentration of gold dust. Only 34 metres below ground level! Which gives us the geothermal river pressure, of 34 atmospheres. So we locate an area of and used moor land, anywhere around the world. I live in the UK, and there are massive tracts of unused moorland. We utilised dousing. Where as water circulates the geothermal rovers, as it rounds a bend it does physical molecular nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+X-ray So suddenly we get a flick of electric field - de/dT. Which the easily penetrates 34 metres of rock, and makes human muscles twitch! Which is why we can detect underground water sources. So we want to such geothermal rivers, converging on the underground magma chamber, 34 metre...