
Showing posts from July, 2023

Free Peak District Gold

so much free gold If you drill down 34 meters, the circulating pressurised and heated water contains gold metal. As this water escaped to the surface, it left behind all of gold deposits. So we use ground sonar on the valley bottoms, and locate the fluid filled magma chambers on the geothermal river that circles the Earth. We we drill down, we get high pressure water with gold in! We give the water a small vent, and the heavy metal powders fall out. Such dirty water would even abrade Ti turbine blades – as I was told in 1984 on my master's degree into metallurgy. They did not tell me 40% of the metal is gold! As professor Argent told me 2015 – trying to Ge me back to my PhD work at Sheffield University. 2000 prof Z and myself sorted out the turbulent flow of high pressure water did molecular nuclear fusion. The best way is to use a steam plasma – which does the twice as dynamic plasma burn. 1 H ₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray So a 1m steam plasma will generate 1 MW of carbon 0...

Cool the summer heat

cool the too hot, warm the cold And warm the cold winter months!  We use it in idea of the heat pump. What year did heat pumps come out? What is a heat pump? History and information about heat pump ... The first heat pump as we know it today was built by Peter von Rittinger in 1856. He recognised the principle of the heat pump while conducting experiments on the use of water vapour's latent heat for the evaporation of salt brine. As a result, in Austria the heat pump was used to dry salt in salt marshes. This uses the thermodynamic trick, that the pressure water for ever the absolute temperature is the gas constant.  The absolute temperature is degrees C plus 273. So if we double the pressure of what is normally termed a Carnot gas its absolute temperature doubles. If we take care during the summer at 30° C, the absolute temperature is 303° K.  So we pass this heat into a large body of water, preferably the C.  And we lose their heat to the sea water which is...