
Showing posts from March, 2023

Cheap gold

'Jin - there's too much gold!' Around the earth and sober over of geothermal water, there pay cure rates down from the seas and Rivers of the earth.  It hits the earth's magma layer, and boils off into steam! Week in use ground penetrating radar, to locate this river running over 34 metres below the earth's surface.  And ground penetrating radar will easily penetrate down to that depth. How deep does bedrock need to be for ground penetrating radar? GPR can detect bedding, boulders and bedrock at depth (5 to 35 m), providing lateral, as well as vertical, informa- tion about a deposit. In ideal circumstances, it also can iden- tify the location of the water table. That depth is critical.  As professor Argent was trying to induce me to return to my PH D work at Sheffield University.  And casually mentioned the gold metal or soluble in high temperature and pressure water - like 34 metres down around the earth. Gold metal is the fifth most abundant element on ear...

Free UK gold

there be gold As the  late Professor Bernard Argent pointed out to me, gold metal is soluble in high temperature and pressure water.  Like the river of geothermal water that's Eccles the earth on the earth's magma. When it boils, it forms a steam pockets at the top of magma chambers around the earth.  Leaving the goal behind.  As it cools it the chance to geothermal river. The gold is still held in suspension 34 metres below the earth's surface.  As the water vents to the air, the pressure drops and the gold falls out of solution.  Leaving behind ore deposits. Which other expensive to extract!  That river of gold still Carries an limit concentration of gold dust. And the mine has drill down over 34 metres, of metal deposits, that water has been a nuisance!  And manners used steam driven pumping engines, to extract the water from the mines. So all the gold dissolved in a water.  And we pump the water to settling ponds.  Which f...

Gold crash 2023

Gold - going down I have been blocking about my old metallurgy professor's, comments that the river of water circles the earth got a is the limit side trace of gold dust below 34 metres. So you go down into old mine workings that go down further than 34 metres.  Publishing a out there any accumulation of geothermal water.  And use ground sonar to locate a fluid filled magma chamber - which gives reflect sound waves as we subject the ground to 2 kHz 40 kW ultrasound.  That is the standard ultrasound use for metallurgical examinations. And we have 3 spaced microphones so we can triangulate the magma chamber, within drill out into the magma chamber, and slowly vents the geothermal water - for a five which are leased to the surface. As he vent the pressure, the gold drops out of solution.  We have a fine metal dust - 40% gold.  The register or deposits are only 1% gold!  We also get platinum, copper, silver and base metals. We process into ingots....