Blue John and Clifton gold

free gold dust When I was 11, I went down the Blue John mines in Derbyshire, and saw which were now flooded. As there was no commercial value - nobody had bothered. I remember seeing a black dust. And carried on with my tour. But then I learned 2005 that gold is soluble in high pressure water. Like 34 metres down around the world. So mine workings with a black dust, at the bottom of the waterfall, are actually fills the gold dust. That an books black when particulates, when the melted down into a solid ingot, it then looks exactly like a gold bar - which it is, So the Blue John mines have a flooded underground water pool, filled a black dust. This is as they could do down and fill a little flask with the black dust. One it will be very very heavy! And the surface a metals company would use x-ray equipment, to identify a the dust, position. And for you by weight, for the gold! All around the world are disused mine workings, belo...