Free deep cave gold

Goldd - well everywhere Gold metal is soluble in a highly pressure and temperature water. So it geothermal water running 34 metres or more below the earth's surface has a limit concentration of gold metal. And where the water and stared into deep underground pools, it lies there. But it is not gold. It is encrusted with muck and looks brown or black! And are no possible interest! I was in the Blue John mines as a university student, and saw the dust. And thought it of no interest! It was not until 2004, the of metallurgy professor told me about the solubility of gold. Or maybe I should have come back to do a PH D into this. But I was busy! So pot wholers can go down into a deep public owned mine shaft, and use their own phone and Google to locate when they are 34 metres down. They collect a dirt sample from the first four with mud on the base. Back at the surface, they can thought the divert through a wash plant. I ju...