Just too much gold

Goldd is the 5th most abundant elemeent on Earth As the late professor from Sheffield University, Bernard argent told me 2001 'gold is soluble in high pressure and temperature water. That the geothermal rover that's circulates the earth at 34 metres down'. The water circulates are various types, were 34 metres down and a mantle pocket will be filled with gold containing hot water. Week in use dosing to locate the underground river, and a suitable for open areas, we use ground sonar to locate the mantle pockets. This is basically a three microphones this into a sound X rays from are high explosive defamation on the surface. We triangulate the echoes from a magma chambers, so he can locate the water filled underground mantle pockets. We then need to drill down, to the eas water filled pockets. Which should family university geography departments have published underground river maps for us on the Internet. We drill down to the mantle pockets, and the extr...