
Showing posts from April, 2022

Welsh gold for nearly free

so much free gold helo a bore da All around the world there is a river of geothermal water, trying to stay still was the earth rotates clockwise.  So it appears to flow anti clockwise!  At 44 metres below the surface it dissolves gold metal from the earth's mantle.  An inexhaustible supply of the fifth most abundant element on earth. Every cell place to drill down, Welsh Valley bottoms.  We use ground sonar to locate the magma chamber 34 metres below the surface.  Basically three  spaced microphones listening to a high explosive charge detonation. The sound waves drill down into the earth for reflect from fluid filled magma chambers.  So can locate the reservoir or is are geothermal water - with gold dust dissolved in them. We drill down, an established at 2 cm bore hole, to the magma chamber.  We Kiev the super heated water a slight vent, anniversary Dyson dry cleaner.  This means we must force down A cylinder with holes drilled at t...

Free Peak district gold

Gold in those hills This is simple physical science: even gold is soluble in high pressure and temperature water.  So gold metal is leached out of the earth's mantle, to form gold dust in the river of geothermal water circulating anti clockwise around the earth.  The water tries to stay still, the earth rotates clockwise. The geothermal water percolated down from the Rivers and seas the world, and till he hits the magma.  When it boils!  And the heating affect created by the physical molecular nuclear fusion the rotating water does, decreases! 1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+L...X-ray This is why the deep earth produces X rays and helium gas.  The helium gas collects in magma chambers, and he is cancer leave being replenished.  As mankind extracts this gas for use in welding, it is replaced!  And will never run out. This is also the source of the oxygen and light flashes produced by the deep.  Which is why the deep earth produces a spooky illuminatio...